How to Fix Xbox 360 Disc Tray Keeps Opening

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  • #1
It's getting so damn frustrating. I'll be playing a game and then suddenly, bam, back to the title screen. Why? Because my 360 is attempting to open the disc tray. It doesn't succeed. I'll just see the light flashing and it saying "opening", and that's it. Then I'll "close" it, and it'll go back to normal. Eventually, the same thing might happen.

Anyone know how to fix this?


You want it to be one way, but its the other way.
  • #2
try unplugging it for like 10 mins, and see if it stops doing it.
  • #3
Maybe you're not meeting its standards, what game you trying to play
  • #4
Wow, I wish I had this problem. For the past week my 360 refuses to open the disk tray, so I can't even switch games. Been stuck playing GTA 4 til I can get around to calling tech support.
  • #5
Maybe you're not meeting its standards, what game you trying to play
Doesn't matter, it's done this with several games. I installed a bunch of games today (just got a new HDD) and after I put in like every other game, it would do that. I tried playing a demo and it did that and reverted me back to the main screen. Dang annoying.
  • #6
Is this a 360 S or an older version?

If an older version sounds like the mechanical switch inst popping back into place correctly. Should be relatively easy to fix by removing the faceplate and adjusting the button. If this is an S... time to call MS.

  • #7
If its the new model you should take a qtip with some rubbing alchohol and clean off the button that you use for opening and closing the disc tray, a large amount of oil and dirt can cloud that sensor and "think" you are pressing it.
  • #8
Is this a 360 S or an older version?

If an older version sounds like the mechanical switch inst popping back into place correctly. Should be relatively easy to fix by removing the faceplate and adjusting the button. If this is an S... time to call MS.

It's an older model. Have any more details, or should I just start fiddlin'? Just kinda worried that fiddlin' might screw something up. I've never taken off the faceplate.

EDIT: Just got done playing some Saints Row 2 because the 360 tried to eject the game. Just fantastic.

  • #9
I usually have problems just opening my 360 (old model) disc tray, and even closing it once it's open. I have to keep pressing the button over and over again and once it's open I have to actually push on the disc tray to close it.
  • #10
Any IR remotes or device that could be sending an open/close command?
  • #11



Oh wait, you're talking about the tray [face_tongue]

Try blocking the IR sensor on the 360, it's possible that an IR open command signal is being sent to the unit.

  • #12
How would I go about doing that? And no, I don't think there's anything sending out a signal as it does it at random; it's not constant.
  • #13
How would I go about doing that? And no, I don't think there's anything sending out a signal as it does it at random; it's not constant.

You see that black oval sensor on the bottom left? That's the IR sensor, block it whith anything and see what happens, even if it's not constant, what if the signal being sent is random? It's just a possibility, but eliminating possibilities is one way to find the solution ;)


  • #14
Stupid follow-up: What should I block it with?
  • #15
electric tape works great.
  • #16
unplug, if that doesn't work, use the warranty, tape it shut, or replace. Everyone better have one of these that owns an Xbox.
  • #17
Taping it shut wouldn't do anything. Like I said: "My Xbox 360 won't stop trying to open itself!" I was playing Banjo-Tooie earlier and I looked down and noticed the light on the 360 blinking. It has done this when I've had it plugged into other rooms, so unplugging it won't do anything. I'm gonna try the electric tape if I have any.
  • #18
LOL, just cover the IR sensor with black electrical tape.
  • #19
LOL, just cover the IR sensor with black electrical tape.

Or tape a piece of cardboard over it. Also try removing the faceplate and make sure the eject button isn't wedged with something.
  • #20
my first thought would have been to do this:

pick up the phone & dial 800 4 my xbox

  • #21
It's probably bug.

What you want to do is log out of Live and make sure you aren't signed in locally. Then clear your cache using the button code, afterward spin around 3 times with you left thumb on your right temple. It should work then, you could also kill a unicorn to solve the problem. Otherwise, I'd say your screwed and it is time to send it in.

  • #22
[blockquote]trilobug posted:[hr] It's probably bug.

What you want to do is log out of Live and make sure you aren't signed in locally. Then clear your cache using the button code, afterward spin around 3 times with you left thumb on your right temple. It should work then, you could also kill a unicorn to solve the problem. Otherwise, I'd say your screwed and it is time to send it in.

  • #24
Put electric tape on it two days ago. Had my 360 on for like over eight hours at least yesterday (Saints Row 2 + various Netflix activities) and no problems at all.

Thanks. :)

  • #25
Do you own a 360 media remote or harmony or something? If that fixed the problem it means something was sending the open command. If you have a media remote stuck under a pillow or drawer or so something it might be the issue.
  • #26
Another thing you can try if you DONT have any remotes, is running the remote setup and see if you can reset it.
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How to Fix Xbox 360 Disc Tray Keeps Opening


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